Tooth-Friendly Recipe 6: Banana Ice Cream

Tooth-Friendly Recipe 6: Banana Ice Cream

banana ice cream

Who doesn’t love a big bowl of ice cream on a hot summer day, or as the perfect sweet treat to cap off a delicious meal? The trouble with it is that it’s loaded with sugar, just itching to attack your teeth and cause cavities.

If you’re looking for a tooth-friendly recipe that contains the sweet, creamy goodness of banana ice cream without all the added sugar (and calories!) of the original, your search is over. This is a recipe you can make for your family that everyone will rave about – including your orthodontist!

The best part? You can flavor it with a number of ingredients!

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Misaligned Bites: Causes, Consequences and Remedies

Misaligned Bites: Causes, Consequences and Remedies

What is a Misaligned Bite

Team Demas Orthodontics

Photo Credit: filipappeldorn via Compfight cc

The process of the teeth of the upper jaw meshing with the teeth of the bottom jaw is called occlusion. If done correctly, this involves 128 contact points. Malocclusion, also known as bad bite, is when your teeth do not fit together properly and your bite is not correct.

What Causes Bad Bite?

Genetics, you were born with it. You started out with good bite when you had your baby teeth but, when they fell out, your adult teeth did not follow the proper eruption pattern. Perhaps your teeth and jaws were not properly positioned causing your permanent teeth to grow in out of line.

Some people have jaws that are just too small to accommodate the size and number of permanent teeth. Bad habits such as thumb sucking can put undue pressure on erupting teeth and cause them to come in at strange angles.

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Precursors to Braces

Precursors to Braces

Five Signs that a Child, Teen, or Adult Needs Braces

Team Demas Orthodontics

Photo Credit: sincerelykerbie via Compfight cc

Many people have considered whether they need braces at one time or another. Nearly everyone has some kind of physical imperfection with their teeth. People with at least some slightly askew teeth are the norm, they are not the exception. Not everyone who has a few off kilter teeth needs to be fitted for braces. If you have ever wondered do I need braces, follow this guide to five signs that a child, teen or adult needs braces.

1. Strong Child Signs

There are some strong signs that a child needs braces. One of the strongest signs that a child needs braces is missing or irregular baby teeth. Also, if they have crooked or misplaced teeth, you should be sure to take your children in to see the orthodontist. Also, children who do excessive thumb sucking are also more likely to need to be fitted for braces at some point.

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Smiles can Serve any Purpose you Want

Smiles can Serve any Purpose you Want


Smile Quote No. 2: You Want To Spoil the Day of a Grouch, Give Him a Smile

There is no better answer to a grouch than flashing them your best smile. In this and many other situations, a brilliant smile is one of the best weapons you can have. That makes it important that you have a beautiful smile, and it makes it even more important that you make sure that your kids have one. Looking for different and affordable types of braces is one of the best moves you can make to ensure a great smile.

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Braces Demand Attention

Braces Demand Attention

Five Tips in Caring for Your Braces During an Orthodontic Treatment

In order for braces to do their job properly, which is to bring the teeth into healthy alignment, the patient needs to give them and him or herself the proper care. It’s true that braces can be uncomfortable, but they may be the best solution for children who might not have the type of mindfulness that is necessary for an alternative to braces like Invisalign. Here are five tips to care for braces:

1. Avoid foods that are chewy, sticky or both, like Turkish taffy. The foods to eat when wearing braces are soft and easy on the braces as well as the teeth. These include soups, custards and soft cheeses.

The patient should also not attempt foods that hurt to eat, and make sure that he or she eats slowly and with care.

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