What Are the Signs That Braces May Be Needed?

What Are the Signs That Braces May Be Needed?

If you are looking for braces for adults in Southington, you have come to the right place. Whether you have finally

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decided it is time for some professional help to improve your look or you have a condition that requires braces, Team Demas Orthodontics is more than capable of providing solutions to your orthodontic problems.

From children to adults who need cosmetic attention, orthodontic health care, and advice, we are here to help your smile become even brighter.

There are a variety of reasons for people to need braces as grown-ups and we have the best options available for you.

If you are a mom who is looking for orthodontics in Southington with orthodontists that you can trust, we have information and advice for you while you are making your decision on braces for your child. We can help you determine when the right moment is for your child to get braces or whether it is better to wait till they are older.

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How to Take Care of Your Retainers

How to Take Care of Your Retainers

When the braces come off, the retainers help keep your teeth straight. As an essential part of your orthodontic care,

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it’s important to take care of your retainers. If it becomes damaged or broken, you’ll have to order a new one from your Southington orthodontist, and that can be a hefty price to pay for a moment of carelessness. Use these tips to keep your retainer looking as good as new.

Retainer Fit

Your retainer is still working hard to correct the placement of your teeth, which means that it should feel a bit snug in your mouth. Initially, it may feel awkward and cause you to slur your words when you speak, but you’ll eventually get used to the sensation. Note how it feels when you leave the office, though. You want it to always feel that way.

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Improve Your Smile and Live a Better Life

Improve Your Smile and Live a Better Life


Karen McNair Gibbs put it perfectly when she said, “Life is better when you’re smiling.” It’s amazing what a difference a smile can make in your day or the day of someone you encounter. But, what happens when you’re self-conscious about your smile? If you’re thinking more about what your smile looks like than just sharing your heartfelt joy, you’re not going to enjoy life as much. So, quit worrying about what your smile looks like and start enjoying life more by following these simple tips to give you a better smile.

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Straighter Teeth Will Lead to Overall Improved Health

Straighter Teeth Will Lead to Overall Improved Health


“The surplus of the heart overflows from a smile.” ― Charles de Leusse

An overflowing smile due to a surplus of the heart’s emotions is possible when you have perfectly straight teeth. If you have poorly aligned teeth and feel too embarrassed to smile, then it is time to visit an orthodontist for a complete evaluation. Wanting to have your teeth straightened isn’t just about your vanity because correctly aligned teeth will lead to improved overall health. When your teeth are overcrowded, it is easy for food debris to collect along the gums before it develops into plaque. Plaque contains bacteria that cause inflammation, halitosis and cavities.

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Reduce Health Problems by Straightening Misaligned Teeth

Reduce Health Problems by Straightening Misaligned Teeth


“There is a thin line between smile and laughter.” ― Santosh Kalwar

Smile and laughter are closely related facial expressions because smiling typically precedes laughter. Many individuals do not want to smile or laugh because it shows their misaligned teeth to others, but it is easy to have straighter teeth by visiting an orthodontist for treatment. Improving the position of teeth can eliminate health problems such as:

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