Factors Shaping your Orthodontic Bill

Factors Shaping your Orthodontic Bill

What is the Cost to Straighten Out a Jaw?

Team Demas Orthodontics

Photo Credit: Cayusa via Compfight cc

It is common for people to suffer from a jaw that is misaligned slightly. This means that that the lower jaw is not able to hinge correctly into the upper jaw. In many cases, this issue does not produce any discomfort for an individual. However, other people may suffer from a pain in the hinges that enable the mouth to be opened. This type of jaw issue can also result in a person wearing down their teeth in an uneven manner. There are some people who think their jaw looks funny and want to fix its appearance. Fortunately, it is possible for an orthodontic specialist to properly realign a person’s jaws. This can be accomplished by either dental braces or surgery.

In terms of the cost of a jaw straightening procedure, it is impossible to give an accurate estimate for all people because there are many factors that will play a role regarding what the final cost will be. In other words, every person is different. However, here are some factors that will directly impact how much a person’s treatment will cost:

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Teeth Removal for Braces; Why?

Teeth Removal for Braces; Why?

Why do I need teeth removed for my braces?

When a child or adult visits an orthodontist, the specialist may recommend that a certain tooth or teeth need to be removed. To a child, this may be very concerning. After all, children do not understand how quickly a tooth can be removed or why they do not need to fear such a removal. Adults may be puzzled as to why a tooth that has been in their mouth for many years suddenly needs to be pulled. These thoughts and questions are certainly legitimate. Here are some things to consider when a tooth needs to be removed for braces.

To begin, it is important to keep in mind that an orthodontist does not make such a recommendation concerning tooth removal in a careless manner. There is a reason and purpose that a tooth needs to be pulled. In the past, tooth removal was very common for children. That is changing. Today, specialists like an orthodontist see teeth removal as a last resort. Tooth removal can affect a face over time. With this in mind, a professional takes a close look at each case to be sure that removing a tooth is the right thing to do. If there is another way to get around tooth removal, the orthodontist will find it.

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Avoiding Extraction during Orthodontic Treatments

Avoiding Extraction during Orthodontic Treatments

Can Orthodontic Expanders be used on the Lower Teeth to Avoid Extractions?

Team Demas Orthodontics

LaFemmeEnNoir via Compfight cc

Not everyone has enough room in his or her mouth to accommodate all 32 teeth perfectly.  In order for teeth to grow in a healthy manner, sufficient space often needs to be created for those people who do suffer from the problem of overcrowding. There are two ways that an orthodontist can use to make space available in your mouth. The first is through tooth extraction and the second through jaw expansion.

Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction can take place on just about anyone, but the expander device can be used if the mid-palatal suture is not fully mature and can be stretched. This is normally possible for children who have not yet reached 15 years of age. The two parts of the suture may be separated slowly through the minimal activation of expansion screws, which make up part of the expander. When a space appears in between the teeth, at the front, this is an assurance that the expander is doing its job.

Lower Arch Expansion

Expansion on the lower arch presents more problems as there is no suture which is near to the teeth which can be expanded. An expander does not have to be used for the lower arch, but “uprighting” is an alternative method that can be utilized for expanding your lower jaws. This technique takes place through the tipping off of the teeth in the direction of the cheeks. The gaps that are formed in the lower arch occur due to the moving of the teeth and not bone movement.  The process of tipping off the teeth is not a problem but there must be enough gums and bones positioned around the roots for this procedure to be used.

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Is Extraction the Only Solution?

Is Extraction the Only Solution?

Are There Alternatives to Having Teeth Removed for Braces?

When you realize that the only way you or your child are ever going to get straight teeth is by visiting an orthodontist for an evaluation, then you will want to know answers to certain key questions.  The main ones that Dr. Demas at Team Demas Orthodontics is asked are about the treatment time, the costs associated with the treatment, whether tooth extractions will be necessary and if headgear needs to be worn.

When it comes to the extraction of teeth, this will depend on how severe the crowding is. Removing one or other of your teeth might be necessary. If the underlying bone’s shape and size is insufficient, retaining all teeth would mean your teeth would stick out more noticeably. It could also result in recession, which is gum loss or dehiscence, which is bone loss.

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