What Does an Ideal Bite Look Like?

What Does an Ideal Bite Look Like?

Woman smiling wearing necklace

People are often referred to the orthodontist because of an improper bite. While this is one of the main oral health conditions that orthodontics is designed to fix, you may be surprised to know that an imperfect bite can be used to describe several different types of conditions. For instance, you may have heard of overbites, which give people prominent front teeth. Alternatively, you may have noticed that your teeth seem all over the place, and certain teeth may even hit the others too hard when you chew. When you wonder what should a perfect teeth look like, you can learn the answers to your questions in this guide.

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Misaligned Bites: Causes, Consequences and Remedies

Misaligned Bites: Causes, Consequences and Remedies

What is a Misaligned Bite

Team Demas Orthodontics

Photo Credit: filipappeldorn via Compfight cc

The process of the teeth of the upper jaw meshing with the teeth of the bottom jaw is called occlusion. If done correctly, this involves 128 contact points. Malocclusion, also known as bad bite, is when your teeth do not fit together properly and your bite is not correct.

What Causes Bad Bite?

Genetics, you were born with it. You started out with good bite when you had your baby teeth but, when they fell out, your adult teeth did not follow the proper eruption pattern. Perhaps your teeth and jaws were not properly positioned causing your permanent teeth to grow in out of line.

Some people have jaws that are just too small to accommodate the size and number of permanent teeth. Bad habits such as thumb sucking can put undue pressure on erupting teeth and cause them to come in at strange angles.

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Dental X-rays and Brain Tumors: Any Relations?

Dental X-rays and Brain Tumors: Any Relations?

Do Dental X-rays Really Cause Brain Tumors?

The topic of dental health should be at the forefront of any mother’s mind.

Both your own dental health and the health of your children should be taken into account. Not only will they dictate social factors like self-image and the image that others perceive, but positive dental health will help to ward off diseases like gingivitis and receding gums, which have been linked to long-term health effects like heart diseases and diabetes.

While the issue of health should be at the forefront of your concerns, what about dental x-rays? Do they hurt more than they help? Do they cause brain tumors that will hurt both you and your children?

Let’s explore these questions in detail.

What is a Dental X-Ray?

Dental x-rays use a small amount of radiation projected through your body to bombard film. This radiation comes together in such a way to help your orthodontist to discover the status of your mouth.

These x-rays can come in a variety of forms, but the most common ones that you and your children will encounter are the common bite-wing x-rays that show the quadrants of your mouth and how well your teeth line up.

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